Amitha Saleem
I am currently working with the Satellite Research Centre (SaRC/EEE),
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. My research interests
- Systems Engineering for Small Satellites.
- Modular, Scalable & Reconfigurable Systems Design for Nano & Micro Satellites.
- Development of nanoSMAD Tool for Rapid Satellite System Configuration Design.
- Development of Configurable Web Scraping Tool for Creating Satellite Subsystem Database.
- Soft-reconfigurable FPGA based Flexible Pin-router for Universal PC104 Interface Card.
- Distributed Electrical Power System for Small Satellites.
- FPGA & Embedded Flight Software Design for Satellite OBC.
- Nano & Micro Satellite FM Hardware Integration & Testing.
- CubeSat Attitude Determination System (ADS) Design.
- System Architecture for Modular CDH and Modular SDR for Small Satellites.
Research Projects Involved
- ARCADE 27U Micro Satellite
Duration: February 2021 - Till-date
Collaboration with :
- Satellite Research Centre (SaRC), Singapore
Contributions :
- 7S-3P Deployable & Body Mounted Solar Array PCB Design using KICAD, Integration & Testing.
- Microsatellite Power & Signal Harness Design, Fabrication & Testing.
- EPS Battery Charging Unit MPPT Voltage / Current Characterization & Testing.
- EPS Thruster High Current Boost Converter Load testing.
- EPS Main & Thruster Battery Charging Changeover Testing.
- EPS Load Switch Testing & I2C voltage/current sensor address scan & read-out.
- EPS Power Distribution Card pass MOSFET Testing for Deployment switch & System RESET.
- EPS PDU Buck/Boost DC-DC convertor Load Testing.
- EPS PDU I2C voltage/current sensor address scan & read-out.
- SoC FPGA based CDH Board testing and programming via JTAG.
- FM EPS/CDH/Interface Card Integrated Performance Characterization.
- ARCADE avionics stack testing with ADCS, X-Band & payloads such as Gecko, ATMOLITE, CIP & AToX.
- Deployable Monopole tape string antenna tuning and impedance matching.
- X-band Monopole pickup antenna Tuning & Testing.
- Satellite Telemetry Reception & Commanding via UHF radio.
- Long Duration payload operation for system endurance testing.
- Microsatellite Sub-assembly level integration, harnessing & routing, Integrated Testing & TVAC.
- SCOOB-II 3U Nano Satellite
Duration: February 2021 - Till-date
Collaboration with :
- Satellite Research Centre (SaRC), Singapore
Contributions :
- Designed an Attitude Determination System (ADS) v1 Board for SCOOB-II Satellite.
- SCOOB-II Satellite Body Mounted and Deployable Solar Array Design Using KiCad.
- SCOOB-II EPS solar panel input threshold adjustment for MPPT.
- SCOOB-II Reaction Wheel BLDC Motor Testing using Faulhaber Evaluation Board.
- SCOOB-II Magnetic Torque Rod Polarity Test and PWM Test.
- SCOOB-II 2S-2P FM Battery Pack Fabrication, heater/thermistor bonding and Testing.
- SCOOB-II Full loop EPS testing with solar panel and battery charging validation.
- SCOOB-II Interface harness for CubeSpace COTS ADCS module.
- SCOOB-II RBF and Deployment SNAP switch wiring, testing and assembly.
- SCOOB-II FM hardware integration, testing & staking.
- SCOOB-II Deployable Tape String Monopole Antenna tuning and impedance matching.
- SCOOB-II FM Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Cable Harness Fabrication.
- SCOOB-II FM Satellite TVAC, Vibration & End-End Outdoor Testing.
- SCOOB-II Attitude Control System (ACS) Actuator Board Testing using Hydra.
- SCOOB-IITelemetry Decoding & Telecommand Encoding using HYDRA.
- SCOOB-I 3U Nano Satellite
Duration: July 2019 - July 2022
Collaboration with :
- Satellite Research Centre (SaRC), Singapore
Contributions :
- Designed and Developed Attitude Determination System (ADS) for SCOOB-I Satellite.
- Design of Analog Interface Circuit for Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS), Fine Sun Sensor (FSS).
- Interfacing of 24-bit Sigma Delta ADCs in daisy chain configuration via SPI interface.
- Interfacing of 9 degree of freedom IMU via I2C interface to ARM Cortex MO Microcontroller.
- Developed an Embedded C Code for the collection of sensor data.
- Developed Command/Response Protocol for ADS board to OBC communication via I2C interface.
- Testing and Customization of Electrical Power System (EPS).
- Performed Orbit Simulation test using Solar Array Simulator.
- Performed FSS boresight Characterisation using Sun Simulator and Turn-Table.
- ADS Design on a 4-layer PCB using Altium Designer.
- Gained knowledge in PCB Software Altium, Arduino C Program.
- Participated in post-launch operations like satellite tracking, telemetry acquisition and payload operations.
- Eco-Smart Zero-Energy Street Lamp Post
Duration: February 2019 - July 2019
Collaboration with :
- Government Technology Agency, (GovTech), Singapore
Contributions :
- Conducted a literature review to develop an Eco-Smart Zero-Energy Street Lamp post.
- Considered various scenarios for the street lighting strategy, in order to save energy.
- Design goal was to reduce urban light pollution and keep a high level of safety.
- The strategy can be based on different parameters such as weather conditions, or object approach detection.
- Gained knowledge in wireless communication technology and smart street lighting.
- Development of Android Application for Antenna analysis
Duration: August 2017 - October 2018
Collaboration with :
- Nanyang Technological University, Dept. of EEE, India
Contributions :
- Developed Android Application for Patch, Dipole, Monopole, Horn, Loop, Helical and Parabolic antenna that performs Antenna design analysis and compute efficiency,
gain and plot 2D and 3D radiation pattern.
- The application is developed as a learning and research tool for Antenna design
- The Software Design Document (SDD) for the android application is developed
- Gained hands-on experience in Tools and Technologies (Android SDK, Android Studio, Java, HTML and JavaScript)
- Extensive Research Experience in Antenna Design
- Design of Floating-Point Arithmetic Unit Using VHDL
Duration: January 2016 - April 2016
Collaboration with :
- VLSI Systems Lab, Dept. of ECE, Saintgits, India
Contributions :
- Improved arithmetic unit by a new unit, Floating-Point Arithmetic Unit, which overcomes existing limitations.
- Designed 4 modules of AU with software Xilinx 14.5 using VHDL resulting in better accuracy, high speed and high precision.
- Pipeline floating point arithmetic unit (AU) design targeted for 64 bit architecture.
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